M-sense - App against Migraine

End-to-end design of a medical app that helps patients to reduce migraine attacks

Newsenselab GmbH
December 2022
Product Design
Products, Branding
M-sense - App against Migraine

About the Project

With the M-sense Migraine digital programme, you can set goals tailored to you and analyse your lifestyle, your headache attacks, your medications and identify and manage your triggers.

A variety of exercises and personalised knowledge lessons help you prevent headache attacks. And if you do get a migraine, the app supports you with acute help.

The digital assistant "Brainy" motivates you to find the right exercises for you from the extensive range and to stay on the ball. Detailed analyses allow you to keep an eye on the development of pain, symptoms, triggers and medication. You recognise the influence of your cycle and can prevent overuse of medication.

M-sense - App against Migraine
M-sense - App against Migraine

Project Execution

Lead the end-to-end design for M-sense, a medical certified product and DiGA, that helps people suffering from migraine to reduce attacks and medication. Driving product discovery and managing early-stage concept development, UX and design research. Implemented strong user-focus with regular testing-sessions offline and online.

I developed the brand together with the marketing team and engaged a community of 60.000 MAU. Responsible for maintaining and handing over design/specing across IOS, Android and web.

M-sense - App against Migraine

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